Akane Yamamoto
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Akane Yamamoto

山本 あかね(やまもと あかね), Akane Yamamoto, 山本茜
Original Name: 山本 あかね(やまもと あかね)


Height: 144.3 cm / Weight: 35.4 kg / Birthday: March 13 / Favorite Food: Soboro rice / Current Concern: Friends are put off when talking about volleyball / Age: 13 years old
Younger sister of Takeshi Yamamoto. A second-year student at Nekoma Middle School.
Loves volleyball. Well-acquainted with the Nekoma High School Volleyball Club where her brother Takeshi plays, and served as a commentator to Arisa during the Spring High preliminaries.
After graduating from middle school, she plans to follow in her brother's footsteps and attend Nekoma High School, and then go on to university. She is currently interning at a publishing house.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7 p.m.)

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