Itsuka Kendou
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Itsuka Kendou

拳藤 一佳(けんどう いつか) / バトルフィスト, Itsuka Kendou, 拳藤一佳
Original Name: 拳藤 一佳(けんどう いつか) / バトルフィスト


A female student with orange side tails who serves as the class president.
She has a tomboyish and compassionate personality, often taking on a big sister role with outstanding leadership qualities.
According to Monoma, she's a "gorilla." Notably, she can defeat Kirishima of Class A in arm wrestling without using her Quirk.
She gets along well with Class A, and has been known to reprimand Monoma with a hand chop or forcibly drag him away when he speaks disrespectfully towards them.
Her hero costume consists of a sleeveless cheongsam and a mask, with long sleeves added for winter.
Scouted by Uwabami during workplace experience because she was "cute," her appearance in a commercial led to a sudden increase in secret fans, and she was even entered into a beauty contest during the school festival due to her stunning looks. However, she disliked being seen on the same level as Yaoyorozu, who has better grades and a "stronger Quirk."
"Quirk": Big Fist
She can enlarge her fists.
The destructive power increases as the fists grow larger, and she can also create winds by fanning her surroundings like a fan.
Double Big Fist
A technique where she instantaneously enlarges both hands to attack.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:42 p.m.)

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