Koukuu Hanabata
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Koukuu Hanabata

トランペット / 花畑 孔腔(はなばた こうくう), Koukuu Hanabata, 花畑孔腔
Original Name: トランペット / 花畑 孔腔(はなばた こうくう)


One of the executives of the "Meta Liberation Army." Publicly, he is the leader of the Heartseek Party. In the "Superpower Liberation Front," he is one of the nine action squad leaders.
Quirk: Incitement
By using special electromagnetic waves inherent in his voice, he can boost the physical and mental state of those who trust him. The larger the vibration of the air, i.e., his voice, the greater the effect.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:35 p.m.)

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