Kyūtarō Kugi
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Kyūtarō Kugi

九棋 久太郎(くぎ きゅうたろう), Kyūtarō Kugi, 九棋久太郎
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Original Name: 九棋 久太郎(くぎ きゅうたろう)


Kazuki and Rei's employer. 32 years old. A cafe owner. Usually calm, but once angered, shows no mercy. Understands Miri's situation and cooperates accordingly.
Ogino contacts him, and upon learning that Ogino is investigating Miri and Kazuki, he realizes their lives are in danger. He informs Misaki that Kazuki and the others are assassins and advises her to take Miri in and live with her. He arranges for them to be out of Ogino's reach, but ultimately, Misaki is killed when their apartment is invaded. Consequently, he is tormented by guilt, believing that Misaki's death was his fault for not acting despite knowing about the investigation.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 6:13 p.m.)

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