Rei Suwa
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Rei Suwa

諏訪 零(すわ れい), Rei Suwa, 诹访零
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Original Name: 諏訪 零(すわ れい)


Kazuki's partner. 25 years old. His birthday is August 10th. He's an assassin with a calm demeanor. Like Kazuki, he ends up raising Miri due to unforeseen circumstances, and at the same time, he has no choice but to continue deceiving her. His eyes change when he's on the job as an assassin, but usually, he's an extreme gamer and a shut-in (although he does physical training). He's oblivious to subtleties, like not noticing when Miri is not feeling well.
After Misaki's death, he tells Shigeki face-to-face that he's "leaving the organization". Then, by shooting his own arm in front of Shigeki, he proves that he's "no longer useful as a member of the organization" and retires from being an assassin. Although he was bad at all household chores, the French toast that was recognized by Kazuki has since become a popular menu item at the diner after he improved his skills.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 6:14 p.m.)

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