Ryou Inui
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Ryou Inui

ハウンドドッグ / 犬井 猟(いぬい りょう), Ryou Inui, 猎犬/犬井猎
Original Name: ハウンドドッグ / 犬井 猟(いぬい りょう)


Hound Dog Hero. In charge of life guidance. A heteromorphic "Quirk" that gives him a dog-like appearance.
He shares a dog-like face with the chief of the police station, but they are not related by blood.
"Quirk": Dog
A heteromorphic "Quirk" that gives him dog-like features. When his emotions rise, he forgets human speech and growls terrifyingly like a dog.
Due to his canine nature, he has an excellent sense of smell, and by sniffing someone's sweat, he can understand their mental state. He also loves bones and is delighted when he sees them.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:40 p.m.)

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