Mako Ootaki
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Mako Ootaki

大滝 真子(おおたき まこ), Mako Ootaki, 大泷真子
Original Name: 大滝 真子(おおたき まこ)


Manager of the Morizen High School Volleyball Club.
During the barbecue on the last day of the joint summer camp (Saitama), she commented that "the third-years at Karasuno seem very reliable," but was told by Kiyoko (from Karasuno) that "there are many problematic underclassmen... but the ace (Azumane) has a weak mentality," to which she responded in surprise, "What! But he seems so intimidating."

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:04 p.m.)

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