Sou Inuoka
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Sou Inuoka

犬岡 走(いぬおか そう), Sou Inuoka, 犬冈走
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Original Name: 犬岡 走(いぬおか そう)


Height: 185.3 cm / Weight: 74.3 kg / Highest jump reach: 333 cm / Birthday: November 1st / Favorite food: Chicken karaage with rice! / Current concern: No matter how much I eat, I still get hungry!
A first-year middle blocker (MB) at Nekoma High School. His jersey number is 7.
An agile middle blocker with high physical abilities. He was the first player to stop a freak-quick attack by himself. He's approachable and gets along well with Hinata, with their conversations often full of sound effects. After graduating high school, he becomes a preschool teacher.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:12 p.m.)

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