Yuuki Shibayama
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Yuuki Shibayama

芝山 優生(しばやま ゆうき), Yuuki Shibayama, 芝山优生
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Original Name: 芝山 優生(しばやま ゆうき)


Height: 162.5 cm / Weight: 53.3 kg / Highest jump reach: 280 cm / Birthday: December 16 / Favorite food: Omelet rice / Recent concern: Everyone's receives are so good, and I feel like I can't match them, but I want to work hard in practice.
First-year student at Nekoma High School, jersey number 12.
During the representative match of the Spring High Preliminaries, he substituted for the injured Yaku. Although he was targeted for being tense and stiff, his high skill level meant his teammates were not worried; rather, they were more concerned that Haiba's erratic blocking might interfere with the receives.
In the final stages of the match, he synchronized well with Haiba and contributed to the victory.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:16 p.m.)

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