Kazumasa Hanayama
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Kazumasa Hanayama

花山 一雅(はなやま かずまさ), Kazumasa Hanayama, 花山一雅
Original Name: 花山 一雅(はなやま かずまさ)


Height: 176.6 cm / Weight: 68.5 kg / Highest jump reach: 315 cm / Birthday: April 16 / Favorite food: Atka mackerel / Recent concern: When walking with my younger sister (4th grade), someone asked if I was her father.
A third-year student at Wakutani South High School, S. His jersey number is 5.
Like Tohoku, he has a beard. He was impressed by Kageyama's setup form and aggressive toss.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:01 p.m.)

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