Taro Yamada
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Taro Yamada

山田 太郎(やまだ たろう), Taro Yamada, 山田太郎
Gender: Male
Height: 164cm
Original Name: 山田 太郎(やまだ たろう)


The narrator of this work. From first year to second year. From catcher to first baseman, right-handed thrower and batter. Height 164 cm. Blood type O. Born on March 3.
Although small in stature and not highly skilled in baseball, he is highly respected by his teammates. He is a calm and sensible person who often plays the straight man to his eccentric teammates. Upon advancing to the second year, he serves as the team captain.
As a player, his batting is weak, but his defensive skills, particularly his trained catching ability, are good, and Chihaya has remarked that he is suited to be a first baseman, leading to his conversion to first base in high school. In his second year, he develops finesse and persistence, and takes on the role of the second batter.
Named by his father, who is a big fan of "Dokaben."

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 11:32 a.m.)

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