Shiemi Moriyama
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Shiemi Moriyama

杜山 しえみ(もりやま しえみ), Shiemi Moriyama, 杜山诗惠美
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Original Name: 杜山 しえみ(もりやま しえみ)


The heroine of this work. A girl who is a student at the Exorcist Cram School, born on March 6. She is the daughter of the owner of an exorcist supply store favored by Yukio. She belongs to Class 1-B of True Cross Academy High School (from the second term). She is also a descendant of a giant, inheriting the bloodline of Shemihaza, one of the Three Wise Men, through generations.
She is shy with strangers and suffers from severe blushing, naturally clueless and gentle, but with a strong core. She has only ever worn kimonos since birth. She has known Yukio since he became an exorcist, and she was the one who nicknamed him "Yuki-chan." Her family owns the supply store, and she has extensive knowledge of plants and herbs, but she remembers them by names she made up herself, so she couldn't remember their proper names and scored low on the written exams at the cram school. After relearning them with their official names, she scored perfect marks. She is not good at cooking; her food tastes almost entirely of grass, but it has a powerful anti-demon effect when eaten. Exceptionally, she is good at making herbal tea. Her figure is good, though it's hard to tell in a kimono.
She had always dreamed of visiting the "Garden of the Sky" (Amahara no Niwa), which her beloved grandmother had told her about, but while she was out, her grandmother died in an accident, and she regretted losing her grandmother because of her own actions. She was parasitized by a "Yamabi" exploiting her vulnerability. She became disabled due to a demonic hindrance and had a falling out with her mother. However, thanks to the efforts of Rin and Yukio, she was freed, regained her ability to walk, and reconciled with her mother.
She was bullied as a child, which led to her being frail until middle school, so she couldn't attend school properly. Meeting Rin motivated her to train herself and join the True Cross Academy's Exorcist Cram School. She has the potential to be both a Doctor Knight and a Tamer Knight, and she uses a Greenman larva as her familiar. Initially overwhelmed with her own issues, she gradually grew as a person after witnessing Rin's struggles. She hadn't been attending high school, but Yukio secretly tutored her, and she transferred to True Cross Academy in the second term.
The Okumura brothers seem to have romantic feelings for her, but she only has platonic feelings for them. When asked directly which one she liked, she said, "Love is still too early for me," but she began to be conscious of Rin after he confessed to her during a mission. She didn't understand romantic feelings initially, but after reading shoujo manga recommended by Izumo, she studied love and decided it was too early for her to date, rejecting Rin's confession. She struggled with whether she truly wanted to become an exorcist, and although she decided to take the exam, she heard something from her mother that made her give up attending the cram school and taking the exam, choosing to take over the family business instead. After Yukio defected to the Illuminati, she created a forest to stop Rin, who was rampaging after regaining his heart, and soon after, she was taken by the agents of the Holy See to the Imperial Court of Heaven. Under the guidance of her grandmother, now a guiding spirit, she trained for the equivalent of a year and a half, subdued Amaimon, and then joined the Anti-Demon God Sealing Army as one of the "Three Wise Men," temporarily granting the members special-class magical defense gear to make them invincible and supporting them with "Empyrea."

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