Phantom Thief
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Phantom Thief

物間 寧人(ものま ねいと) / ファントムシーフ, Phantom Thief, 物间宁人
Gender: Male
Original Name: 物間 寧人(ものま ねいと) / ファントムシーフ


Male student. A blond gentleman characterized by sleepy eyes and a nihilistic smile.
He seems unmotivated, but he is actually very nervous and has an abnormally high pride. When his emotions get excited, he bursts into hysterical laughter and becomes sarcastic.
In Class B, he is often scolded by Kendou for going too far. He also teaches Tetsutetsu strange Japanese.
He has a competitive spirit against Class A. In Class B, he is respected as someone who can speak frankly, but he is prone to excessive provocation, self-righteous snide remarks, and making snide comments without considering the seriousness of the situation.
His hero costume resembles a tuxedo with a black jacket. He wears three watches on his belt to check the duration of his "Quirk" (these watches also serve to bluff the opponent into thinking he can only copy up to three quirks at a time).
Due to the nature of his "Quirk," he cannot exert power alone, and he has been told by others that he cannot become a superhero, but he sees himself as a "supporting character who can steal the spotlight."
"Quirk": Copy
He can copy the nature of the quirk of anyone he touches and use it for five minutes.
He can stock up to four quirks, but can only activate one at a time.
While it is a strong ability that allows for the simultaneous use of multiple quirks if switched at the right time, it has the weaknesses of needing to know the quirks and not being able to use them skillfully (resulting in a failure).

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(Last edited time: April 26, 2024, 1:13 a.m.)

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