Hitoka Yachi
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Hitoka Yachi

谷地 仁花(やち ひとか), Hitoka Yachi, 谷地仁花
Original Name: 谷地 仁花(やち ひとか)


Height: 149.7 cm / Weight: 42.5 kg / Birthday: September 4 / Favorite Food: Japanese sweets / Current Concern: What to do if I encounter a scene where I might die or nearly die.
A first-year student serving as the manager of the Karasuno High School boys' volleyball team.
Joined the team mid-term after the Interhigh preliminaries as a new manager. Contributed to securing funds for the expedition by creating a "donation collection poster" using a photo of Hinata's spike for the summer joint training camp (Tokyo & Saitama). Also created a "Spring High Tournament Participation Poster."
Personality is honest, but extremely timid and anxious. Has a severe delusion habit, imagining being "assassinated by fans" after being around Kiyoko for a long time, and when Hinata spoke to her without knowing her name (as they hadn't been introduced yet), she despaired over not being able to remember other people's names, thinking "eventually I might have to sell organs." On the last day of the summer joint training camp (Saitama) barbecue, she imagined the tall players crowding around as a "jungle of giants" due to her bizarre thoughts.
During the provisional membership period, confused by her mother's harsh words, she consulted Hinata and, pushed by the straightforward words of the members and Kiyoko, she shouted "I'm going to be a manager!" loudly towards her mother in the middle of the street. She was shocked by the size of Tanaka's sister Saeko's chest, showing she has a complex about breast size. Fainted immediately after the victory in the final match of the Spring High preliminaries.
Academic performance is excellent (in the advanced class), and she helped Hinata and Kageyama reduce their failing grades to only one subject. Plans to attend university after graduating high school and to join an advertising design company after university graduation. Her hair has grown, and she now wears it in a ponytail.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:02 p.m.)

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