Arthur Auguste Angel
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Arthur Auguste Angel

アーサー・オーギュスト・エンジェル (Arthur Auguste Angel), Arthur Auguste Angel, 亚瑟·奥吉斯特·安吉尔
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Original Name: アーサー・オーギュスト・エンジェル (Arthur Auguste Angel)


The 252nd Paladin. He works at the Vatican headquarters as a top-class exorcist and is Shura's superior. He is half British and half French, and is proficient in eight languages including Japanese. He is 30 years old. He wields a demonic sword named "Caliburn," which was originally an uncontrollable cursed sword sealed deep within the Vatican, but Arthur tamed it as a reward and it has since become his beloved sword. Caliburn also exhibits distinctive movements similar to teleportation. His special move is "Angel Slash," and he leads his own direct unit called "Angelic Legion," which includes Lightning and Shura (though Shura dislikes being called by the unit's name, finding it tacky).
He behaves like a saint (which he claims himself) and is generally friendly to everyone, but as a staunch anti-demonist, he shows no mercy towards demons. This applies even to members of the knightly order, and he deeply despises Rin and Mephisto, and also scorns Shiro, calling him "the man least suited to be a Paladin in history." On the other hand, he is quite naive, and Shura describes him as "a purebred idiot." He cannot lie at all, does not understand jokes, and takes Lightning's sarcasm literally. He seems to like wine, but he gets drunk easily. His usual attire is a custom-made white knight's uniform with wing-like designs (which Rin criticizes as tacky). His sense of style, including the name of his special move, seems quite questionable. He has long hair as part of his contract with Caliburn.
He sees himself as "the sword and symbol of the knightly order," and leaves scheming to Lightning, who excels at it. Lightning is known as "the right arm of the Paladin" and sees himself as such, but Angel regards him as the "brain" and trusts him completely with his work. Angel also sees Lightning as a friend. He has accepted Lightning's suggestion to explore connections between the Japanese branch and the Illuminati, and has sent him to the Japanese branch to communicate.
His abilities are said to be very high even compared to other Paladins; in Kyoto, he exorcised the Unclean Princess, a being as formidable as the Unclean King who required 200 people using Rin's power to exorcise, all by himself with a single strike. Lightning has described his abilities as "monstrous," and he easily handled Shura when she confronted him over Rin's situation.
Like the previous Paladin, Shiro Fujimoto, he is a graduate of the Asylum, the predecessor to the Exorcism School. He survived when his father, the Duke of St. Ford in England, Arthur Angel, became possessed by a demon and killed all his people, servants, and family. He was afflicted with a demonic influence and was taken in by the Asylum in Japan, but lost his memory at the age of 15 when the Asylum was destroyed during the Blue Night, and was subsequently raised by Shemihaza in the Uzai family. However, all these are officially stated stories, and his true identity is one of the clone bodies of Lucifer created in Section 13. He alone survived unharmed while being bathed in Lucifer's light and everything around him was destroyed.
Techniques used:
Zodiac Slash
Angel Slash

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(Last edited time: May 12, 2024, 4:23 p.m.)

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