Chiyo  Shuuzenji
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Chiyo Shuuzenji

リカバリーガール / 修善寺 治与(しゅうぜんじ ちよ), Chiyo Shuuzenji, 恢复女郎
Gender: Female
Height: 115cm
Original Name: リカバリーガール / 修善寺 治与(しゅうぜんじ ちよ)


A self-proclaimed young heroine and school nurse, she appears as a petite, kind-looking old woman.
She possesses a rare "Quirk" of healing, making her a cornerstone of U.A. High School.
One of the few people who knows the secret of "One For All."
She often distributes sweets to students, which also serves to help replenish their energy during healing.
"Quirk": Healing
Dramatically activates the healing power of the target. Severe injuries can be healed instantly, but this requires the target's own physical strength proportional to the injury.
Healing severe injuries can exhaust the target's strength to the point of "death," and exceeding the recovery limit of the affected area can render it unusable.
Therefore, she sometimes leaves minor injuries untreated or spreads the healing over time or days.

(View count: 7)

(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:53 p.m.)

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