Ayumi Yamagō
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Ayumi Yamagō

山郷 あゆみ(やまごう あゆみ), Ayumi Yamagō, 山乡步
Gender: Female
Height: 160cm
Original Name: 山郷 あゆみ(やまごう あゆみ)


75 mm cannon gunner. She has long black hair and is the most glamorous body in the team. Inside the vehicle, she is located on the left side of the driver's seat, next to Sakaguchi.
She has a boyish and savvy personality, but she tends to accumulate stress.
She likes physical activities, and her first choice for a compulsory subject was Aikido [ep 14].
Nakazato was reported to have a boyish character, but she reminisced that she couldn't quite grasp that atmosphere.

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(Last edited time: May 5, 2024, 5:02 p.m.)

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