Kanoka Amanai
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Kanoka Amanai

天内 叶歌 (あまない かのか), Kanoka Amanai, 天内叶歌
Original Name: 天内 叶歌 (あまない かのか)


Height: 182.5 cm / Weight: 62.4 kg / Birthday: October 24 / Favorite Food: Tuna Onigiri / Current Concerns: Struggling to improve serve reception, having a strong dislike for straight hitting, being shy around new people, and more (omitted)
A second-year WS at Niiyama Girls' High School.
Expected to be the next ace for Niiyama Girls, she has been featured in magazines as a promising player.
A childhood friend of Tanaka. She used to be self-conscious about her height, but started playing volleyball in the third grade at Tanaka's invitation. This led her to gain confidence in herself, and she has developed feelings for Tanaka as a result of her gratitude.
After graduating high school, she pursued a professional career and has participated in the Olympics.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:04 p.m.)

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