Danjuro Tobita
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Danjuro Tobita

ジェントル・クリミナル / 飛田 弾柔郎(とびた だんじゅうろう), Danjuro Tobita, 飞田弹柔郎
Original Name: ジェントル・クリミナル / 飛田 弾柔郎(とびた だんじゅうろう)


A man who talks about wanting to leave his name in history. 32 years old. Self-proclaimed modern-day Robin Hood. He posts videos he shoots himself online. He makes meticulous plans and has a high ability to respond to unforeseen circumstances, but his videos often involve small-scale and extremely annoying acts, such as robbing a convenience store that misrepresents products and beating up the heroes who rush to the scene. He dreamed of becoming a great hero who would leave his name in history until high school, but after failing the provisional license exam four times and being held back, he was advised to drop out of high school. At the age of 18, he tried to help a building cleaner who was about to fall, but he interfered with the hero who came to rescue, causing the cleaner to be seriously injured and himself arrested for obstructing public duties. As a result, he dropped out of high school, his family fell apart due to slander from the public, and he was disowned by his parents. At the age of 22, he became a freelancer and accidentally met a classmate who had become an independent pro hero, but being forgotten by him triggered him to vow to leave his name in history by any means necessary, and he became a villain using the criminology he learned in high school.
"Quirk": Elasticity
He can add elasticity to anything he touches. It can be applied to inorganic substances like air, and used for movement, defense, and attack, but once applied, he cannot remove it himself, and it gradually disappears naturally.
Technique List
Gentle Rebound
He creates a membrane of air in front of himself to bounce back opponents coming towards him.
Gentle Trampoline
He makes the ground in front of him elastic to bounce up opponents coming towards him.
Gentle Sandwich
He layers multiple air membranes to crush his opponent.

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(Last edited time: April 25, 2024, 6:49 p.m.)

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