Yasufumi Nekomata
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Yasufumi Nekomata

猫又 育史(ねこまた やすふみ), Yasufumi Nekomata, 猫又育史
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Original Name: 猫又 育史(ねこまた やすふみ)


Drinking with Naohi is boring as he gets wasted too quickly / Age: 68 years old
Coach of Nekoma High School Volleyball Team.
Believes in a team-building philosophy that emphasizes connections, holding the principle that "in volleyball, the team that lets the ball drop loses." He had stepped away from the scene for a while but has returned in recent years. Despite speaking kindly, he has a competitive nature. He considers Ikkei Ukai of Karasuno High School a rival and both dream of bringing to life their 'Battle at the Garbage Dump' on a grand stage. He takes a liking to Kazuteru Ukai and watches over the growth of the Karasuno High School Volleyball Team.
Originally from Miyagi, he met Ikkei during junior high. They were rivals sharpening their skills against each other, but just before their last tournament in junior high, he moved to Tokyo, and their match in an official game never materialized. Later, he attended Nekoma High School and rejoined Ikkei, who had enrolled at Karasuno and also competed in the Spring High, during those competitions. Although their promised rematch at Spring High did not happen, their roles as coaches and directors at their respective alma maters later solidified the rivalry between Karasuno and Nekoma.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:09 p.m.)

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