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武器商人 / マツ, Matsu, 松
Gender: Male
Original Name: 武器商人 / マツ


An old arms dealer associated with the Makuro group. On the surface, he is the owner of a snack bar. He also deals with corpse disposal, acts as an informant, and is involved in the smuggling business of rare animals.
A middle-aged man with a missing left eye, always appearing closed. He speaks in a distinctive manner, usually maintains a cheerful demeanor but shows a cautious side as a figure in the underworld. He has been appearing as an arms dealer since the beginning of the story, but his name is unknown and considered non-existent. In the Yamaga arc, he is named Matsu by Yamaga (the flower language meaning "compassion"). A former assassin, he is skilled in handling firearms even with one eye. He was blinded in his left eye by Yamaga during his assassin days and has since become his personal subordinate, controlled by the threat of his daughter, who is now a college student. His real name is Yamaga, and he was forced to surrender his family registry to him when he submitted to Yamaga.
Reluctantly cooperating with Sunagawa for information on Fable, this involvement leads to his participation in the assassination of Hamada in the Yamaga arc, further entangled with Yamaga's schemes. Ultimately, he decides to break away from Yamaga and retire from the underworld, seeking the help of the Satou siblings, and as a result, receives a condition from Ebihara that he would be forgiven for Hamada's murder if he could hand over Jiro's custody. He then pursues Jiro with Youko and Suzuki but fails to capture him and ends up shooting him. Prepared for death, he is forgiven by Ebihara through Youko's mediation, returns to his real name, Yamaga, as a civilian, and goes back to his daughter.

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(Last edited time: April 10, 2024, 5:13 p.m.)

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