Saki Maruyama
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Saki Maruyama

丸山 紗希(まるやま さき), Saki Maruyama, 丸山纱希
Gender: Female
Original Name: 丸山 紗希(まるやま さき)


37 mm cannon loader. Positioned to the left inside the vehicle, closest to the window. Has gray short hair. Loves kintsuba and kombucha tea, and initially wanted to take tea ceremony as a compulsory elective subject [ep 14].
Often spaced out, looking in the wrong direction, and moves half a beat late. Also, has very few lines in the series, speaking only once in the TV series, in the final episode (episode 12), where Miho describes her as a "good listener."
Quiet and often appears unexpectedly from unexpected places, making her well-suited for stealth actions.

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(Last edited time: May 5, 2024, 5:02 p.m.)

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