William T. Spears
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William T. Spears

ウィリアム・T・スピアーズ, William T. Spears, 威廉·T·史皮尔斯
Gender: Male
Original Name: ウィリアム・T・スピアーズ


A Grim Reaper from the management division of the Dispatch Society, commonly known as Will. He is 182 cm tall. A man with glasses and a side-parted hairstyle. He is calm, meticulous, and serious. He does not tolerate overtime and is merciless to those who violate regulations. Since he and Grell are of the same cohort, he often finds himself cleaning up after Grell's messes, which troubles him, and he vents his frustration through physical punishment. He despises demons, whether they are contracted with humans or not, referring to them as "vermin." He wields a Grim Reaper's scythe that resembles an extendable pruning shear.
In the Circus Arc, he infiltrated the Noah's Ark Circus under the stage name "Suit." He was unable to hide his true nature as a Grim Reaper at all, calling Sebastian a "demon" without regard for those around him, though the circus members took it as a joke. When he was inadvertently assigned to the same tent as Sebastian, both of them stiffened, but he used his Grim Reaper's scythe to arbitrarily mark his "territory" within the tent. He also obstructed Sebastian, who was about to investigate on orders from Ciel, who had become immobile due to an asthma attack, saying he did not want to increase his overtime because of a demon not staying with its master. After Ciel and the others finished their investigation of the circus, he went on to collect souls at Baron Kelvin's mansion.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 10:25 p.m.)

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