Higari Maijima
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Higari Maijima

パワーローダー / 埋島 干狩(まいじま ひがり), Higari Maijima, 工程机/埋岛干狩
Gender: Male
Original Name: パワーローダー / 埋島 干狩(まいじま ひがり)


Excavation Hero. In charge of the Support Department. Characterized by a helmet-like mask reminiscent of heavy machinery, large hands, and comparatively small body and legs (which he is complex about).
He holds a license for costume development and is a genius who handles item development himself.
Due to his genius nature, he has few friends and is seen as an oddball among the teachers. Often involved in the development of new items, his warnings are not heeded.
Normally wears only the helmet, but during combat, he dons a giant powered suit resembling a beast-shaped machine.
"Quirk": Iron Claws
He uses these claws to dig through the ground and fight.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:31 p.m.)

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