Ren Iruga
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Ren Iruga

入賀煉(いるが れん), Ren Iruga, 入贺炼
Original Name: 入賀煉(いるが れん)


Privilege Type "Division Right"
Right Type "Tracking Right"
Suginami Second High School, 2nd Year Class D
17 years old, male
From a detention facility. A troublemaker. Teppei's best friend. Acts as if he has eaten someone. In Part 1, he was working with Midou with the goal of annihilating all of humanity, including himself, but in response to Teppei's last words, he cooperated with Saneatsu to carry on his justice and entrusted him with the sealed orders. After the emperor died, he defeated Midou and then disappeared. In Part 2, he is secretly planning a strategy with Yagibashi and Sudo to thwart the queen, and had infiltrated the queen's side. Regarding Ouga Shihouten, who was in charge of the forced acquisition experiments of the detention facility's privileges, he has such severe trauma that he cannot fight properly just by seeing his face.

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(Last edited time: July 2, 2024, 11:41 p.m.)

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