Tomoki Sakurai
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Tomoki Sakurai

桜井 智樹(さくらい ともき), Tomoki Sakurai, 樱井智树
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Original Name: 桜井 智樹(さくらい ともき)


The protagonist of the story who believes "peace is the best." He was an ordinary middle school student until his peaceful life began to crumble after meeting Ikaros, who fell from the sky and became bound to him with chains. Since childhood, he has frequently had dreams of a winged "girl he loves," whose face he can't even remember, and he always wakes up in tears.
His personality is too honest with his adolescent desires. He uses the abilities and machinery possessed by Ikaros and Nymph to undertake grand voyeuristic acts and, as a result, has been exposed and received severe punishments from Sohara and other girls, to the point of nearly losing his life, yet he shows no sign of learning his lesson. Furthermore, he has such detailed physical information about the girls at school that the female students call him "Cockroach Sakurai" and loathe him. Although this hostility is sometimes directed towards the Angeloids as well, for some reason, he never lays a hand on Ikaros. While disliked by girls, he has a very high level of charisma among boys who are unpopular. Despite his exceptionally strong sexual desire, he is completely oblivious to love.
Good or bad, he is full of initiative, and as a child, he would drag Sohara and the neighborhood kids around, exploring mountains and such, until complaints from his and their parents drove his friends away. Since then, he has sought an ordinary life and adopted the motto "peace is the best." Nonetheless, his initiative shines through when unleashing his sexual desires or when others are in dire straits, which is why he is so admired by Sohara and Ikaros. He also possesses a kind-hearted nature that cherishes the feelings of Ikaros, who cannot reveal her secrets, and feels strong anger towards those who created Angeloids like Nymph who find joy in submission. He also shows pity for Chaos, who mistakes "pain for love."
When transformed into a girl by Ikaros' Quantum Converter, he goes by the name "Tomoko" and enthusiastically behaves like a girl. However, after getting excited during a peeping incident, the transformation is undone, revealing Tomoko's true identity as Tomoki to Sohara and the others, resulting in the Quantum Converter being destroyed.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 7:11 p.m.)

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