Ryan Stoker
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Ryan Stoker

リアン・ストーカー, Ryan Stoker, 利安・斯托卡
Original Name: リアン・ストーカー


The head of the Karnstein Hospital and the president of the Aurora Society. A young doctor who favors all aspects of health, including physical, mental, and even weather conditions, and detests all forms of unhealthiness. Believing that "the greatest unhealthiness that cannot be overcome = death," he was devoted to research on resurrecting the dead, under the ideology that humans could be completely saved if they could avoid the calamity of death. His research bore fruit, and he announced the successful revival of the dead, conducting a major demonstration on the Campania. However, the resurrected corpses began to attack the living, leading to the sinking of the Campania.
In reality, he had hit a dead end in his research and had only managed to create "distorted flesh dolls" with the help of the "Undertaker." He did not understand the logic behind the resurrection of corpses and was ultimately pointed out by the "Undertaker" that he had disqualified himself as a doctor the moment he delved into the occult. He met his end by slipping and falling to his death from the raised bow of the Campania at the age of 34.
He also appears in flashbacks in the boarding school arc, where, through Druitt's connections, he was commissioned by Redmond to turn Agares, Derrick, and others into "distorted flesh dolls."

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