Juuzou Honenuki
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Juuzou Honenuki

骨抜 柔造(ほねぬき じゅうぞう)/ マッドマン, Juuzou Honenuki, 骨拔柔造
Original Name: 骨抜 柔造(ほねぬき じゅうぞう)/ マッドマン


One of the recommended students is a male student with a skull-like face. According to the author, he is a "handsome" [citation needed].
He is serious, ambitious, flexible in thinking, very calm, polite, considerate, and caring.
Surprisingly, he speaks English fluently, so he converses in English with Pony.
His costume is a full-body armor type. It is black with an orange-based armor that allows him to move underground without any problems.
"Quirk": Softening
He can soften anything he touches. It is effective within a wide range and is convenient, but it only works on non-living things.
The effect is canceled if he touches it again or if he faints.
His weakness is that he is thoroughly incompatible with opponents who can handle crumbling footholds.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:37 p.m.)

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