Yuuji Terushima
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Yuuji Terushima

照島 遊児(てるしま ゆうじ), Yuuji Terushima, 照岛游儿
Original Name: 照島 遊児(てるしま ゆうじ)


Height: 177.2 cm / Weight: 66.7 kg / Highest jump reach: 327 cm / Birthday: April 18 / Favorite food: Bread with sausages / Recent concern: The bread at the school store doesn't taste good anymore.
A second-year WS and the captain of Johzenji High School's volleyball team. His jersey number is 1.
An ace spiker. With high physical abilities and a free-spirited mindset, he is a core player of the "Playful Johzenji." He imitates Karasuno High School's "synchronized attack" just because he thinks it's cool, trying it out without any prior practice. He views matches as play, but also possesses the mindset of a competitor who challenges the strong, which sometimes leads him to recklessly overdo things, earning reprimands from Misaki (a third-year). After losing to Karasuno in the Spring High preliminaries, he calmly analyzed that his team lacked a foundational player like Sawamura from the opposing team.
After the first round of the Spring High preliminaries, he tried to hit on Kiyoko.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:04 p.m.)

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