Issa Matsumoto
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Issa Matsumoto

松本一砂(まつもと いっさ), Issa Matsumoto, 松本一砂
Gender: Male
Height: 181cm
Original Name: 松本一砂(まつもと いっさ)


26 years old. 5th dan. Height 181 centimeters. Born in Yamagata Prefecture. His playing style is described by Rei as "not just aggressive, but nothing but aggressive." He has a bright and honest personality, and is one of Akari's fans. He gets along well with Mitsui, as they are both "large creatures." He became a follower of Sakurai after being saved by him during a mountain climbing trip.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 5:05 p.m.)

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