Kenji Futakuchi
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Kenji Futakuchi

二口 堅治(ふたくち けんじ), Kenji Futakuchi, 二口坚治
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Original Name: 二口 堅治(ふたくち けんじ)


Height: 184.2 cm / Weight: 71.5 kg / Highest jump reach: 325 cm / Birthday: November 10 / Favorite food: Sour gummies / Recent concern: Need to get my wisdom teeth removed
A second-year WS and captain of the Date Tech High School volleyball team. His jersey number changed from 6 to 2.
A skilled player who forms one corner of the "Iron Wall" duo with Aone. After the Interhigh prefectural qualifiers, he took over as captain following the retirement of the third-years, inheriting the position from Moniwa. He harbors a desire to perform well during games for the sake of his team.
Normally, he has a light-hearted attitude and tone, which can be somewhat problematic, but contrary to his frivolous demeanor, he actively encourages and inspires his teammates during matches. He is frustrated by Koganegawa's clumsy earnestness and regrets his past attitude a bit, though he thinks it's better than being too serious.
After graduating from high school, he joined an energy company and, like Aone, plays for the corporate team VC Date.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:12 p.m.)

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