Takeru Oikawa
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Takeru Oikawa

及川 猛(おいかわ たける), Takeru Oikawa, 及川猛
Original Name: 及川 猛(おいかわ たける)


Takeru Oikawa's nephew from Aoba Johsai. When he went to the "Little Kids Volleyball Clinic" with Takeru, he met Tobio Kageyama. When Tobio bowed his head asking for advice, Takeru, who was about to refuse because he was busy, was told by his nephew, "You said you were free because you got dumped by your girlfriend!" Also, his nephew took a photo of Tobio bowing to Takeru and mocked Takeru by saying, "Lame!"

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:08 p.m.)

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