Kenji Hikiishi
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Kenji Hikiishi

マグネ / 引石 健磁(ひきいし けんじ), Kenji Hikiishi, 磁姐/引石健磁
Original Name: マグネ / 引石 健磁(ひきいし けんじ)


A tall man with long hair and sunglasses, who speaks in an effeminate manner. Known among his peers as "Sister Magne."
He has been involved in numerous crimes including robbery, murder, and attempted murder. It seems he has lost many relationships, but a childhood friend mentioned that he never liked to fit into the boxes others set for him, and somehow, he managed to maintain their friendship.
"Quirk": Magnetism
He can apply magnetic force to individuals within a radius of 4-5 meters from himself. He can finely control this force, affecting either the whole body or just parts of it. Males become "South poles" and females become "North poles." He cannot apply this force to himself. In combat, he uses this "Quirk" and a giant magnet as weapons.
Repulsion Catastrophe: Escape Cannon
A technique where he brings two people of the same gender close together and launches one of them using repulsive force. Magne supports the one acting as the cannon base to prevent them from being launched.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:37 p.m.)

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