Takeru Nakashima
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Takeru Nakashima

中島 猛(なかしま たける), Takeru Nakashima, 中岛猛
Original Name: 中島 猛(なかしま たける)


Height: 173.4 cm / Weight: 65.8 kg / Highest jump reach: 324 cm / Birthday: August 20 / Favorite food: Zunda mochi / Recent concern: Feels like his father's hairline is receding day by day
A third-year WS and captain of the Wakutani Minami High School volleyball team. His jersey number is 1.
Ace spiker. A technical spiker who aims for block-outs by changing the angle of his arm swing during spikes. According to Kiyokawa, "In the prefecture, he is the player whose play most resembles that of the former 'Little Giant'." Inspired by the 'Little Giant's' play during the Spring High, he was encouraged during a period when he was concerned about his short height. He is conscious of Hinata, who wears the same jersey number 10 as the 'Little Giant'.
The second son among four siblings. He grew up in a free-spirited family, which he describes as "Jurassic Park of free spirits," and he calls the diverse and unique members of the Wakutani Minami volleyball team a "zoo," which he manages well.
After graduating from high school, he works for a sports manufacturer in Miyagi and belongs to the Kin'iro Sports Jumpers in V.League Division 3. Also, he has switched from his high school position of WS to L.
He also appears in another work by the author Furudate, "Kiben Gakuha, Yotsuya Senpai no Kaidan."

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:03 p.m.)

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