Yuusuke Takinoue
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Yuusuke Takinoue

滝ノ上 祐輔(たきのうえ ゆうすけ), Yuusuke Takinoue, 泷之上祐辅
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Original Name: 滝ノ上 祐輔(たきのうえ ゆうすけ)


Height: 185.6 cm / Highest jump reach: 330 cm / Age: 26 years old
His family owns the Takinoue Electric Store. His position is MB.
He is a member of the neighborhood association team. Occasionally, he takes on the role of coach in place of Tsunagami. During games, he serves as the commentator for the plays.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:04 p.m.)

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