Tatami Nakagame
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Tatami Nakagame

中瓶 畳(なかがめ たたみ) / タートルネック, Tatami Nakagame, 中瓶叠
Original Name: 中瓶 畳(なかがめ たたみ) / タートルネック


A female student in Class 2-2 at Ketsubutsu Academy High School. She wears fish-shaped earrings. She is a fan-girl with a bright personality and asked Todoroki for an autograph. She is also dating Shindou and is seeking his true personality.
"Quirk": Folding
Can fold her body like a turtle. A quirk suited for rescue.

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(Last edited time: April 25, 2024, 6:49 p.m.)

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