Tomoyasu Chikazoku
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Tomoyasu Chikazoku

スケプティック / 近属 友保(ちかぞく ともやす), Tomoyasu Chikazoku, 怀疑论者
Original Name: スケプティック / 近属 友保(ちかぞく ともやす)


One of the executives of the "Meta Liberation Army." Publicly, he is a director at the major IT company Feel Good Inc. In the "Superpower Liberation Front," he serves as the action team leader of "CARMINE" alongside Himiko Toga.
He has a temperamental personality, quickly becoming enraged and responding aggressively to minor provocations such as answering a question with a question or being told he has failed.
Quirk: Puppet
Can manipulate objects of similar size to humans and turn them into puppets.

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(Last edited time: April 24, 2024, 10:40 p.m.)

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