Lily Aquaria
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Lily Aquaria

シスター・リリー, Lily Aquaria, 修女・莉莉
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Original Name: シスター・リリー


Sister Lily, who raised Asta and Yuno at the church. Her magic attribute is "water."
She has a beauty mark under her left eye. Asta has feelings for her, but she always brushes him off. Her real name is "Lily Aquaria." According to an elf, her magical power is of noble class. She has a very kind nature, but under certain circumstances, she will use magic on others.
List of Magic:
Water Creation Magic
Love's Straight Punch
Strikes the target with a fist of water.

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(Last edited time: June 27, 2024, 4:15 p.m.)

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