Tooru Hagakure
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Tooru Hagakure

葉隠 透(はがくれ とおる) / インビジブルガール, Tooru Hagakure, 叶隐透
Gender: Female
Height: 152cm
Original Name: 葉隠 透(はがくれ とおる) / インビジブルガール


A female student who is invisible except for her clothes due to her constantly active, mutant-type "Quirk". Although her appearance is completely invisible, her lively personality can be inferred from her actions and the way she speaks. In the story, her expressions are conveyed through sound effects like "Nico!" Her bright remarks and large reactions also seem to serve as a way to make her presence felt.
Her hero costume consists only of gloves and boots, and when she gets serious, she takes them off to become completely naked. The hero name she devised for herself is Stealth Hero "Invisible Girl".
She often worries her female classmates by choosing to be naked, fearing she might be straying from her path as a woman, and she receives admonitions from Mashirao Ojiro, with whom she often acts together.
"Quirk": Invisibility
She can make her appearance disappear. It's a constantly active, mutant-type "Quirk".
Light Refraction High Cheese
She performs a deception by concentrating and refracting the surrounding light.

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(Last edited time: July 3, 2024, 4:21 p.m.)

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