Ryo Ogino
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Ryo Ogino

小木埜 了(おぎの りょう), Ryo Ogino, 小木埜了
Gender: Male
Original Name: 小木埜 了(おぎの りょう)


Assassin. Refers to Shigeki Suwa as "Boss". A killing machine that has murdered many people without emotion. With a huge body and overwhelming strength, he has destroyed numerous organizations and wanders from place to place seeking work. He has the habit of noting down the last words of his targets as they die. He is an acquaintance of Kyūtarō and was involved in the incident where Kazuki's wife, Yuzuko, died. While Kazuki was tailing a target, Ryo shot at the target's car tires, causing the target to get into a traffic accident. Unfortunately, the accident happened at the meeting spot for Kazuki and Yuzuko, resulting in Yuzuko's death from the car explosion, making Ryo the actual killer though Kazuki is unaware of this fact. Through Kyūtarō, he was investigating Miri and Kazuki, and knowing that Miri was taken in by Misaki, he barged into the apartment pretending to be a delivery person and killed Misaki. Rei alerted Kazuki, who was then also seriously injured by him. Kazuki and Kyūtarō acted preemptively, thus his attempts to finish off Kazuki and Miri were unsuccessful, and he plotted his escape. To break away from the organization, he confronted Rei and Kazuki head-on, nearly overpowering them until Kazuki stabbed him from behind with a short blade. As he tried to dodge, the impact of being pushed by Rei made the blade pierce through his throat, inflicting a fatal wound. Attempting to reach for his notebook with his last strength, Kazuki threw a lighter, igniting gas and causing an explosion. He died in the blast, and everything, including the notebook, was blown away.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 6:14 p.m.)

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