Futaba Takemoto
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Futaba Takemoto

竹本 ふたば(たけもと ふたば), Futaba Takemoto, 竹本双叶
Gender: Female
Original Name: 竹本 ふたば(たけもと ふたば)


A girl who moved to Tokyo from Ishikawa Prefecture. She enrolls at Sorami University and hits it off with Kadode, a core fan of "Isobeyan." After entering the university, she joins the group "SHIP," which defends the invaders, and is actively involved, but her relationships gradually deteriorate due to her excessive devotion. She believes in not outright denying things and has a protective view towards the invaders.

(View count: 13)

(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 6 p.m.)

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