Asahi Hoshimiya
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Asahi Hoshimiya

星宮 朝妃(ほしみや あさひ), Asahi Hoshimiya, 星宫朝妃
Original Name: 星宮 朝妃(ほしみや あさひ)


Mukuro Hoshimiya's adoptive sister, a beautiful woman with black hair, used to tell Mukuro when she was young that her hair was beautiful. However, influenced by a friend's words, she changed her opinion, leading to Mukuro's despair and subsequent transformation into a spirit. This caused those around them to have their memories of the Hoshimiya family sealed, and in her loneliness, she blamed Mukuro and their parents, resulting in her memories of Mukuro being sealed by Mukuro's , causing her and her parents to forget about Mukuro.
When the attacked Tengami City, she was coincidentally near Shidou Itsuka, who had fallen to the ground with the on his way home from work. In trying to save Shidou, she accidentally met Mukuro, who was manipulating the , and called her "sister" as Mukuro supported her when she nearly fell, which made her remember Mukuro. Immediately after, she distanced herself from Mukuro due to past events, but seeing Mukuro's caring nature, she regretfully said, "You cut your hair," and stroked Mukuro's head, reconciling with her and tearfully watching as Mukuro continued the rescue operations.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 12:49 p.m.)

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