Yuri Kinjou
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Yuri Kinjou

金城 ユリ(きんじょう ユリ), Yuri Kinjou, 金城由里
Original Name: 金城 ユリ(きんじょう ユリ)


A bartender working at "Hell's Arms," who moved to Tokyo from Okinawa. He is strong, practices karate, and can defeat an average man with his bare hands. He is a newcomer in his third year as a bartender, with a career not much different from Kyouko's, but he surpasses Kyouko in skill, knowledge, and customer service. He becomes Kyouko's rival at first meeting, but later on, they become good friends.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 12:50 p.m.)

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