Yukari Higuchi
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Yukari Higuchi

樋口 由香利 (ひぐち ゆかり), Yukari Higuchi, 樋口由香利
Gender: Female
Original Name: 樋口 由香利 (ひぐち ゆかり)


A female employee at Hotel Cardinal and a junior to Miwa Kurushima. She lacks the awareness of a hotelier, to the extent of not remembering the types of glasses or names of cocktails, showing a carefree personality. When brought to "Bar Lapin" by Miwa, she becomes enchanted by the movements of Ryuu Sasakura's fingers and falls in love. Later, she decides on a marriage she internally does not wish for, but after hearing a story about the cocktail Alexander from Ryuu, she reconsiders the marriage.
She accompanies Miwa Kurushima in the tumultuous search for a hotel bartender.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 12:50 p.m.)

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