Seishirō Nagi
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Seishirō Nagi

凪 誠士郎(なぎ せいしろう), Seishirō Nagi, 凪诚士郎
Gender: Male
Height: 190cm
Original Name: 凪 誠士郎(なぎ せいしろう)


Rank: 251st → First Screening 221st → Second Screening 7th → 6th → Third Screening 4th
Blue Prison Selection Team Position: OMF, Jersey Number 7.
Second-year student at Hakuhou High School. A genius FW with only six months of soccer experience.
His weapon is his extraordinary trapping ability. The exceptional quality of his traps is due to the suppleness and fluidity of his muscles. When trapping, his ability to absorb impact through relaxation is rated by the world's top player, Chris, as superior to his own. He also has high physical abilities, allowing him to shoot from various positions and situations, and excels in dribbling and passing using his trapping skills. While he is good at converting chances into finishes, he lacks the technique to create chances and, having only started playing soccer six months ago, lacks soccer knowledge and experience, which results in a lack of creativity. He is overly dependent on his teammates' soccer skills, to the extent that Chris warned him that "if your partner turns away, your existence becomes worthless."
He is a top player in Building 5 and attends the same high school as Reo Mikage. Initially uninterested in soccer, he was recruited by Reo who saw his talent and potential.
He has a laid-back personality and often plays games during his free time and between practice sessions. He frequently plays mobile games, but on days without matches or practice, he also enjoys arcade games at game centers. His gaming skills are genuine, but he is so focused on games that he sometimes neglects appointments with friends, which has led to admonishments from those who know him.
He lives alone, away from his parents, and because he wants an uncomplicated conversational partner, he is raising a cactus named "Choki," which he leaves in the care of Reo's caretaker while at Blue Prison.
Initially, he was not enthusiastic about participating in the selection process, but was persuaded by Reo's passion to "stay together until the end," and thus he joined the selection.
Despite losing to Team Z, he came to appreciate the fun and greatness of playing soccer with all his might. From the second screening onwards, he began studying trapping by observing skilled players during his free time, showing a growing desire to improve.
His intuition and potential blossomed with each match, significantly evolving and astonishing those around him. In the Japan national team match, he served as an offensive midfielder alongside Sekai, where his trapping and shooting were highly praised.
In the U-20 Japan national team match, although they conceded a goal to Itoshi Sae in the first half, he created chances with the help of his teammates and scored an equalizing goal with a well-executed shot.
In the "New Hero Wars," he chose England. Following suggestions from Chris, the leader of the England team "Manshine C," and ace FW Agi, he practiced "proactive football" focusing on game-making starting from his traps, considering his lack of creativity.
During the match against Germany, he expressed a desire to team up with Reo again, believing that "with the current Reo, we can also defeat Kiyoshi." Reo assisted him in scoring a second goal with five consecutive fake volleys (however, Kiyoshi and Ego mentioned that this play was not reproducible, and Agi was disappointed that he let Reo take over the game-making).
This play captivated audiences worldwide, and after the match, he received an offer of 88 million.
However, in the match against France, despite his efforts against Rin, he failed to score any points, and his salary dropped to 43 million. In the match against Italy, his delayed reactions to Lorenzo's interference led to missed opportunities, resulting in a further drop in salary to 40 million.
During this time, he questioned Rin and Maro about what they intended to do after achieving their goals, showing that he was losing sight of his own goals and groping in the dark.

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(Last edited time: May 14, 2024, 8:02 p.m.)

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