Rensuke Kunigami
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Rensuke Kunigami

國神 錬介(くにがみ れんすけ), Rensuke Kunigami, 国神炼介
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 188cm
Original Name: 國神 錬介(くにがみ れんすけ)


Rank: 291st → First Screening 266th → Second Screening 50th → Revived from Losers' Bracket
Characterized by orange hair and a sullen expression.
His weapon is a middle shot with his left foot and a robust physicality acknowledged even by the horse wolf (though his ball-keeping ability is weak). His technique is the "No-Spin Long Shot."
Though unsmiling, he prefers fairness and is a conscientious and sincere character, full of sportsmanship and manly spirit.
Aiming to become a hero through soccer, he is targeting a World Cup victory.
In the Team V match, he developed the "No-Spin Long Shot."
Defeated in the 2nd stage by Ryūsei Shidō and Igaguri, and not chosen in the recruitment, leading to his drop out, but he sneaked through the door of the losers' revival match.
As a participant in the losers' revival match, he was the only one close enough to Noel Noa in terms of numbers to secure a ticket to the final selection. After the revival match, his physical abilities significantly improved, and the power of his right-footed shots increased, while his eyes seemed to lose their highlight, and dark circles formed, transforming his personality to be more self-centered. He dismisses the word "hero" by Kiyoshi as "naive nonsense that I've thrown away in hell."
However, when Kiyoshi asked for his cooperation in special training to learn ambidextrous skills, he advised against it, stating that even if he trained and used his body in the same way, it would only disrupt his physical balance and ruin his talent, showing that he still cares about his teammates.
In the first match, he was the only one from Blue Lock to start in the German team but was substituted midway due to overdoing stand-out plays, earning the displeasure of Noah and Kaiser. Later, he re-entered the game and scored the winning goal with an assist from Kiyoshi, leading the team to victory.
In the following match against England, he successfully pushed in a goal with an ultra volley after Kaiser's interference caused Kiyoshi's shot to go off course.
After the match against Spain, the bid for his annual salary was 24 million yen, and after the England match, it was raised to 47 million yen.
The above transformation is due to the despair of having his dreams crushed and an obsession, as well as being the only survivor of a "forced experiment" in the "back route" where different philosophies are forcibly taught to the losers, according to Eishin. It was an experiment to create a "vessel" with the same physique as the world's greatest soccer player, Noel Noa. According to Kunigami, he was forcibly made ambidextrous in the losers' revival match, and he only managed to acquire ambidextrous skills because of his muscle mass and skeletal structure. He advised Seiichi that studying his body usage and training to become ambidextrous would be meaningless if done in the same way as his.
In the match against Italy, he did not stand out much but played actively in both offense and defense, raising his annual salary to 50 million yen.

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(Last edited time: April 16, 2024, 5:40 p.m.)

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