Ryōsuke Kira
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Ryōsuke Kira

吉良 涼介(きら りょうすけ), Ryōsuke Kira, 吉良涼介
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 181
Original Name: 吉良 涼介(きら りょうすけ)


Rank: 289th
Ace striker of Matsukaze Kuroo High School, and was a member of Team Z in Blue Prison along with Kiyoyi.
Dubbed "Japan's Treasure," he was rumored to be called up to the U18 team by skipping grades due to his skills (however, he was placed in the lowest Team Z after passing the dormitory test).
A gentlemanly and just person, friendly and amicable even to those he meets for the first time.
Initially, he fiercely criticized the Blue Lock project and Ego's ideas, participating to prove Ego wrong by aiming to be at the top, but was eliminated in the dormitory test.
Ironically, his high rank made him a target for those eager for a giant killing like Hachiraku and Kiyoyi, leading to his downfall.
When he first met Kiyoyi in Blue Prison, he was friendly and gentlemanly, but when he was disqualified, he couldn't accept it and vehemently protested against Ego, abandoning his usual demeanor and cursing loudly. However, he was told that he lost because he ran away from the challenge, and as he left, he directed a look of anger and hatred towards Kiyoyi.

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(Last edited time: June 12, 2024, 4:53 p.m.)

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