Jinpachi Ego
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Jinpachi Ego

絵心 甚八(えご じんぱち), Jinpachi Ego, 绘心甚八
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Original Name: 絵心 甚八(えご じんぱち)


Hired to lead Japan to a World Cup victory, this coach was once a soccer player himself, known as the world's top striker alongside his first rival, Noel Noa, who described him as "just a ghost obsessed with being the best in the world." He plans to create the world's best striker from a group of 300 talented strikers under 18 years old. While he believes that Japan's organizational skills in soccer are the best, he thinks everything else is second-rate and boldly claims that what Japanese soccer lacks is ego. He is known for his harsh comments to players at crucial moments, but at the same time, he genuinely aims to strengthen them by teaching them the essentials they need.
As the general manager of the U-20 Japan team, he watches the Blue Prison members' match from the bench, making player substitutions in response to changes in the game situation, even after conceding goals in the second half. Despite allowing a comeback, he remains composed throughout and, when asked for advice by Kiyoshi, he firmly states, "The Blue Prison has already won." He believes that even if the project fails and he is permanently banned from the soccer community, the scars left by the Blue Prison's U-20 Japan team's performance and potential cannot be ignored by the public, and the players' futures are secured, laying the foundation to change Japanese soccer. However, Kiyoshi dismisses this, saying, "Who cares about that," arguing that they don't need a future or any guarantee for Japanese soccer, and that they don't need anything other than victory right now or being the best in the world, criticizing Jinpachi for fostering such ego, saying, "Make us win, you damn glasses," and "This ego is the emotion you taught us." Realizing that the ego he nurtured in the Blue Prison has exceeded his expectations, he decides to deploy Barou in an unprecedented plan and watches the outcome. After a fierce battle, Kiyoshi scores the winning goal, and the team wins, with Jinpachi quietly celebrating the victory.

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(Last edited time: May 14, 2024, 8:02 p.m.)

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