Majo Ou
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Majo Ou

魔女王(本名不明), Majo Ou, 魔女王
Gender: Female
Original Name: 魔女王(本名不明)


Born on November 3rd. Height: 170 cm. Blood type: O. Likes red wine and misty mornings in the Witch's Forest. Magic attribute: "Blood".
She governs the Witch's Forest and is considered the mother of all witches, having lived for hundreds of years. She seeks perfection and tries to eliminate anything "imperfect".
A user of "Blood Magic", she controls numerous advanced spells. Even Yami, who visited the Witch's Forest for training, admitted he couldn't defeat her with his current power. She can also predict the future through divination.
Initially, she refused Vanessa's direct request, but when the Diamond Kingdom and the Eye of the Midnight Sun invaded the Witch's Forest at the same time, she instantly healed Asta's arms with her magic. After the battle, she attempted to control Asta to acquire the power of anti-magic, but was defeated when Vanessa awakened her fate-manipulating magic. After the turmoil, she revealed that the two swords Asta possesses were once owned by the leader of the Elf Tribe, who were annihilated by humans.
List of Magic:
Blood Magic
Puppet's Blood Tide
Controls a target by casting a spell on them using the Puppet's Blood Tide or similar methods.
Blood Recovery Magic
Curse-Breaking Blood Cocoon
Wraps the injured in a cocoon of blood to heal them. Its healing power is so great that it instantly cured Asta's arms, which were afflicted with an ancient curse that even doctors could not treat.
Blood Creation Magic
Blood Execution Ground
Captures multiple enemies by crucifying them on crosses made of blood.



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(Last edited time: June 27, 2024, 4:28 p.m.)

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