

ファルファ, 法露法

Character Introduction

The elder twin spirit born from the souls of numerous slimes defeated by Azusa. She appears to be a girl around 10 years old, but her age is approximately 50. She refers to herself as "Falfa." Born in the deep forest of Belgria, she lived in a cabin in the Aidel region, receiving support from the Great Slime and the director of an orphanage (deceased) while living with Shalsha and working as an adventurer to defeat bad slimes. She visited Azusa to convey Shalsha's revenge after Shalsha's magic was completed. She calls Azusa "Mama." Falfa has a bright and lively personality with a strong curiosity. She often catches grasshoppers around the house. She excels in mathematics and science subjects, to the extent that she could become a university professor. According to Maesla's assessment, her level is around 35. She is more interested in other studies than magic, so she cannot use magic. Her physical abilities are above those of an average child, allowing her to act as an adventurer, but she hasn't engaged in such activities since coming to the highland house. Since no one witnessed their birth, they decided by intuition which of them is the elder and which is the younger. Her bright and lively demeanor is partly intentional. Once, due to a crick in her neck, she turned into a slime, with her body color being the same dark blue as her hair in human form, and she was an ordinary-sized slime, unable to speak. Her hair can act as tentacles and can be extended, but she rarely uses this ability. She doesn't particularly like vegetables and dislikes celery. Since her exact birth date is unknown, she celebrates her birthday on May 17th along with Azusa, Shalsha, and Sandra.

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(Last edited time: Sept. 7, 2024, 2:12 a.m.)

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